
What Happens when you are having a Baby

Getting pregnant can both be an exciting and a worrisome stage in married life for new and experienced moms. There's the excitement over first learning that you are going to have a baby. There's the anxiety over how much you might change physically as the pregnancy progresses. And then there's the final rush of adrenaline as you approach your due date for delivery. Whether you are a first time mom-to-be or a veteran mom, each pregnancy is a learning experience and may totally different from one another. Here's a few of the events to look forward to during pregnancy. 1. The Pregnancy Kit So you are having the signs of pregnancy - nausea, vomiting, cravings for certain foods, temper tantrums, waste no time in buying a pregnancy kit and confirming it in order to ready yourself and your  family. It is easy to buy this kit as it is accessible at any pharmacy store or at some convenient stores. Pregnancy kits may differ so you might want to read the back label first